ithin our system, we maintain dietary and lifestyle data relevant for over three hundred illnesses, chronic conditions, allergies, diets and other health topics. We also maintain information provided by the FDA on food-drug interactions. Our research team scans authoritative studies, systematic reviews, databases, and publications related to the impact of various nutrients, food items and life style choices on various illnesses and health conditions.

In our system we maintain nutrient data on thousands of food items. We track about ninety types of minerals, vitamins and important substances found in our diet. We make use of US Department of Agriculture (USDA) extensive data on nutrient content of thousands of food items and products. But we also track and make use of many nutrients and substances not measured by the USDA such as gluten, myo-inositol, mercury, purine, tyramine.

Our team of professionals ensure that we use the most reliable sources for all such data. We actively seek partnership with disease specialists, nutrient experts, and clinical researchers. We facilitate dissemination of their expertise and findings to other practicing clinicians and patients through our technology.

Here are the top sources that we use to compile our data: US National Institute of Health (NIH), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), MedLine (PubMed), EU agencies, top universities and clinics in the US.

Next, we apply unique sophisticated algorithms that establish relative level of goodness or badness for each food item as it relates to a specific condition taking into account all the nutrients contained within the food and all the available studies related to the health condition in our knowledgebase. Click here for a brief description of our approach.

The Case for a Technology-based solution to Chronic Condition Care and Patient Empowerment


onsider this. For each food we track approximately ninety nutrients and substances. Some of these nutrients have a positive impact on a specific health condition, and some an adverse impact. Some of these nutrients facilitate absorption of another nutrient and some may work against another. Let’s say we are only interested in 2,000 food items. This adds up to 180,000 unique facts that one may need to remember for nutrient information alone. Even if we could take into account all the nutrient data, relationships between nutrients, and the relationships between nutrients and health conditions … to recall goodness or badness of 2,000 food items as they relate to 300 health conditions, is another 600,000 relationships to memorize.

This challenge is further complicated when attempting to determine the optimum dietary choices for someone who suffers from multiple chronic conditions.

Normal human mind including smartest healthcare professionals and specialists can neither compute that quickly, nor memorize and recall that much data. Furthermore, to empower patients to take a more active role in their own care, and make educated choices about their diet and lifestyle, all such information has to be available at their finger tip, within a few seconds, at any location, and at all times.

We do not claim perfection of the data in our system, but it is, to the best of our knowledge, much more accurate, specific, actionable and more readily usable than other options available to the patients and healthcare providers worldwide.
