n this feature, you can receive up to forty suggestions within a food group for your health profile (your selected combination of health conditions or concerns). There are eighteen food groups to choose from including separate groups for recipes, nutrients (vitamins and minerals), herbal supplements, and alternative therapies.

The most helpful suggestions are listed first. When some items are equally helpful, they are sorted alphabetically.  In this feature, the most effective or helpful items are listed regardless of whether they are common or not. For more explanation of this feature, click here.

Please select your choice of Food Group (expect a slight delay)

Important Notes

This feature is designed to offer you the best possible suggestions within a food group for your specific health profile. If you suffer from a condition or health risk that you did not specify in your profile, Nutri will not know about that and thus does not take that into account. 


In this feature you can receive suggestions for best recipes for your health profile. Ingredients and preparation instructions can be found on Food Network under the name of the recipe and its chef. For a much greater selection of recipes, we recommend one of our customers and partners, Edamam.